|Image Format|: set the overall format for the exported image.
|Process|: set the processing mode for images. Movies require |From Script|.
|Pixel Format|: specifies the format of each pixel. Movies cannot use |Black & White|.
|Frames per Second|: enter the number of frames generated for each second of movie output. Low values are “Jerky”, high values are smooth, but take much longer to create.
|Runtime Seconds|: enter the number of seconds for the entire movie.
|Dither Now|: when not exporting with ‘Millions of Colors’, this method diffuses color errors across several pixels before exporting.
|Dither Later|: corrects for small color errors when the exported image is displayed in this or another application— no effect with movies.
|Output|: specify the output format.
|Compose|: the dialog is closed and the image is processed.
|Scale %:| enter image scaling. Standard resolution is limited to 900%. |2 by 2| resolutions are limited to 450%; |4 by 4| resolutions are limited to 225%. You can also enter a fraction. E.g. "2/3" is "66.67"%.
|Blocking Size:| Set the number of pixels for each axis of the output block. E.g. If set to 512 and 32, then each output block contains 512*32 pixels, or 16K pixels.
|Compose Image|: using the image size, specified in the |Set Image Size| dialog, additional values specify how to create an image.
|Quality|: specify quality of the image after using the compressor. Some compressors do not support all quality levels— the closest supported quality will be used.
|Compressor|: specify one of these installed compressors.
|Differencing|: used in movies for compressing output data when consecutive frames are similar. Set to zero to turn off. Otherwise specify the number of frames between each |Key Differencing| frame.
|Compose Image|: using the image size, specified in the |Set Image Size| dialog, additional values specify how to create an image.